Over time, it seems that somewhere between fending off unwanted attention from both hyper-conservative Christians
(being a Christian myself, but that's largely irrelevant) and a group of hypocritical anti-thiests seemingly under the misguided assumption that atheists are
never wrong about anything and that internet arguments are not only necessary but mandatory, and angrily thumping my hand on the poor desk out of pure malice for smooth lino-covered surfaces
(or when my flatmates use up all their allotted broadband bandwidth and then proceed to use all of mine as well, effectively cutting me off from the outside world for 3 or so weeks), I discovered that my rage could easily be dispensed by a simple habit of meandering incoherence. So here I am.
I should issue a warning though, just so nobody
(intelligent) tries to slap the undeserved label of
"idiot person" on myself:
Whatever I write in this journal
(I refuse to make use of the word "blog") of sorts is nothing more than my opinion, and if that's not good enough for you, please step onto a busy Auckland highway so the world won't have to put up with your mental deficiency anymore.
But other than that, I love you.