I really like the idea of a girl I can sit down and watch something like Superbad with.
HDE says:
man, those chicks are far and few bewteen :/
Tallerthanatree says:
I've actually met a good number of girls who like those kinds of movies. Now, it'd be a real toughie to find a girl who likes Bubba Ho-Tep or Evil Dead 2.
HDE says:
you've got it good dude. i've only met one girl that would sit through my will farrel, adam sandler, rob schneider and ben stiller movies and actually enjoy it...but we're just 'friends'
Broken_One says:
^ That's life for you....you see great girls, but they're never the ones you can actually have, the ones to take home and call your own. C'est la vie...
Ark says:
^ Exactly. Instead you're stuck fighting off the unwanted advances of uggo girls who severely underestimate your own standards in women because they think that the combination of having a surprisingly massive bosom and being a slut will increase their chances of literally latching onto you and claiming you as one of their unfortunate victims, hopefully with your verbal consent.
I don't care about unattractive girls but what I really hate, among many, MANY things, is unattractive girls who sleep around with numerous guys and then expect you to literally go hard when they whisper this disturbingly hilarious information into your abused ears because they hope that their perpetual tendency to sleep with as many guys as humanly possible will compensate for their near-complete if not absolute lack of physical beauty.
This is Summer Glau. You may recognize her from the Terminator-related TV series, the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Take a good look at her face here. This is how the girl in question looks when she smiles. It's literally, absolutely identical to the way Glau's face contorts to make this smile.
Now, I want you to imagine this face with the following features: darker skin, left eye is permanently crossed, one of her center teeth is coloured brown, hair is darker and more unkempt, wearing incredibly thick glasses, slightly bigger forehead, face is a bit ... fatter (she's quite stocky/chubby, depending on how you choose to look at it), lips are the disgusting type of colour combination of pinkish-brown with brown around the edges (and that's without make-up).
And this girl was telling me all this disgusting stuff and trying nearly every maneuver in the book, so to speak, in a feeble and desperate attempt to add me to her list of sexual conquests.
Susan: I want you...
Me: I'm a virgin and I'm waiting until marriage before I'm letting go of it.
Susan: Oh... sorry, I just get uncomfortable when I think about marriage. Uh.
Me: (thinking to myself) Not that I would even consider marrying you anyway.
Susan: I want your first time to be special. (jumps on me)
Me: What are you doing?
Susan: Sorry...
Susan: Have you kissed a girl?
Me: (thinking to myself) I think I know where this is going.
Me: No. I want my first kiss to be special. From that special someone. That someone I know I'll be spending the rest of my life with.
Susan: Oh. Okay. I agree with you then. (kisses me square on the lips)
Me: ...
Susan: Sorry.
Me: (twitch)
I don't hang out with her anymore.
All the "good girls" (in terms of personality or physical appearance or both) are taken, so to speak. When one comes onto the market, again so to speak, she's quickly taken up by yet another dude who plays sports, wears skin-tight shirts to show off their abs, drinks heavily at parties with the unabated encouragement of their parents, has an amusing hair-style that looks like a mullet drowned in hair spray and combed to supposed "perfection" over the course of two painstaking hours, and says "au" at the end of nearly every sentence, if not twice in each.
Once I became considerably more jaded and cynical (yes, I know, yet another [GM]Dave/Dr Cox clone, even though I became this way of my own volition and not because I wanted to be these people), I realized my priorities (somewhat) and now I've learned that the girls who really matter don't live anywhere near me. So much for finding the little things in your significant other that makes you swoon, so to speak.
The person you're spending the rest of your life with may or may not be out there. You may or may not spend your life with a significant other. Who cares.
Don't lower your standards. I'm sure as hell not.
Disclaimer - We are not emo. We are cynics. Learn the difference.
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