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Vanilla STALKER was fun, but the ABC content just makes it awesome. Here are just a mere few of the ways it will turn your STALKER experience into something hardcore:
- Night is realistically dark. As in, you can't see a f****** thing without your flashlight.
- The weather's got a mind of its own. In the space of five minutes it'll go from Spring Break to Silent Hill, and so on.
- Occasionally you'll receive a surprise visit from several angry ghosts and undead, all intent on making you bleed all over the place. Let's just hope you're with a group of allies when this happens, because once you hear the invisible girl scream, you're going to wish you had more ammunition.
- More mutants in more places. In the hour I first started, I came face to face with a Pseudo-giant standing on the bridge less than a minute's walk from the newbie outpost you start the game in. I also ran into at least three new mutant types.
- More inter-faction fighting. Also, I get the option to continue playing indefinitely, even after the whole end-game debacle.
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