Girls like to feel wanted. If I don't think a guy wants me, then I don't want to be pursued by him. Trust me, its happened to me before, no girl wants to pursue a guy. We feel pushy and needy and stupid. Man up and call her the next day. If you drop her off before midnight, call her around dinner time. If you're gonna text, text her around lunch. You have to make up for your lack of balls somehow, and a few extra hours sounds like a decent trade off. :P
- Katie, CFF
You know what?
Fuck your pro-female bullshit.
Why does it have to be this way? Why do you have to wait for the guy to call? Why not call him?
What is it with you females expecting the guy to call you? It's just as bad as the fact that you expect the guys to initiate holding hands in the bloody movie theater. You think the most appropriate action would be for you to gently bump his hand with yours so he can suddenly click and realize that you want to entwine your hand with his? Fuck off. If you want to hold hands so much, HOLD HIS HAND. HOW FREAKING DIFFICULT IS THAT?
I see nothing wrong with girls pursuing guys, but already I've been labeled a wuss by who is most likely the bitchiest member of the site. She also labeled me an attention whore. I'm not sure how that works, since I typically keep a low profile, so to speak, and my post count is lower than one would expect of a forum attention whore.
Being scared has nothing to do with it. I'm sick of this hypocritical type of so-called gender equality.
The burden does not lie solely with the guy.
Seriously, ladies. If you're watching a movie and it's dark and you want to hold your boyfriend's hand, hold his fucking hand.
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