"Women can get away with so much more they have no idea...
They think they have it tough sitting at home doing half the household, while expecting their husband to work 9-5 and then do the other half of the household. Women like that make me sick."
- Some person I don't know
The feminism of yesterday was great. It was worthy of our attention.
But the "feminism" of today is a joke.
Here are just some comparisons people have made. Some of them are completely true. Some of them are slightly exaggerated. But they certainly make one think.
When a woman leaves a man because the man is stuck in a dead-end job, she is strong-minded.
When a man leaves a woman because the woman doesn't clean the house properly and asks him to do half the household even though he works 9 to 5, he is a sexist pig.
If you do not buy your girlfriend flowers, chocolates and jewelry, you are selfish.
If a female does not buy her partner gifts, nobody cares.
If a woman chooses to be single, it’s because she’s an independent and strong grrrrl who doesn’t need a man.
Yet if a man chooses to be single, he’s obviously a woman-hater with “issues.”
Women expect to be treated equally in society today, and will fight to have their equality acknowledged.
Yet they still want doors opened for them, flowers bought for them, and they can still hit men whilst men can't hit them back.
If a man sees a woman naked, then he's a pervert.
If a woman sees a man naked it's indecent exposure.
If a woman wants a boyfriend/husband but no man is interested in her, then men are obviously just insecure chauvinists who are afraid of her because she’s an intimidating career girl, or men are too irresponsible and childish to be a Real Man and take care of a woman and perhaps any illegitimate bastards she’s got in tow.
If a man wants a girlfriend/wife but no woman is interested in him, then he’s obviously ugly or irresponsible or has a small dick or whatever, and women are just sensibly avoiding him because they want Mr Prince Perfect, not some loser like him.
When a woman dates an ugly man, she obviously saw some deep and meaningful aspect of his inner self which out-values any physicality he may possess.
When a man dates an ugly girl, he obviously chose her as a last resort because he couldn't manage to find anybody better.
If you punch your girl in the face because she's a bitch, you're a sad little man.
If she punches you in the face because she is a bitch, you're a sad little man.
When a woman wears make-up, people think she's pretty.
When a man wears make-up, HE'S A FAG.
If a woman forces herself onto a man, it's called taking control.
If a man forces himself onto a women, it's called rape.
When a man hits a woman there is no justification.
When a woman hits a man, the man obviously was asking for it. It's even supposed to have comedy value.
When a woman hits a man, he did something to provoke her.
When a man hits a woman, it's assault and battery and he gets arrested.
When a female soldier gets killed in battle it's front page news.
When a male soldier gets killed in battle, it barely makes the news.
If a man dates multiple women, he's a player.
If a woman dates multiple men, it's ok because there's no ring on her finger, she doesn't belong to anyone and she has the right to do whatever she wants.
If a woman is on drugs, has no stable income, has psychiatric issues whatever, and decides to get a kid, it's okay. Her husband who has a stable job, clean record, nice house in good neighbourhood, is then tired of her constant bullshit and leaves her.
Why is it that when a guy laughs at the small breasts of a woman he's a sexist asshole, but when a girl laughs at the small penis of a guy she's doing no wrong?
If a woman hits a man then the man must have done something to deserve this.
If a man hits a woman he has to go to court.
If a man leaves an expensive item in his car and it gets stolen then the man is an irresponsible fool.
If a woman wears shit-loads of makeup, acts like a total whore, drinks to the point she can't even walk, and then gets raped, she's the victim and in no way responsible for her own behavior.
If a woman kisses another woman it's okay because it's hot and she's just experimenting. Even when she's married.
If a man kisses another man he's a faggot.
If a woman leaves a guy because he has a low-paying job it's okay. She's strong and modern and a woman!
If a guy leaves a woman because she barely cleans the house, doesn't take care of the kids, sits in front of the TV all day, HE'S A MAJOR ASSHOLE. HOW COULD HE BE SO HEARTLESS. MAN = PIG.
Read all that? Good. But there's one other observation some have mentioned: massive wedding ceremonies.
If by some really odd chance I end up getting married (yeah, laugh all you want), I'm going for a nice private wedding. I want as few guests as possible, hopefully none but I'm willing to have family and possibly our closest friends in attendance. I want it to happen somewhere nice, like on a beach at sunset, or perhaps somewhere less cliched but just as (or more) beautiful.
I do NOT want to take part in a needlessly extravagant wedding ceremony where I stand up in front of everyone trying to fit an unnecessary diamond ring on my soon-to-be-wife's fat finger while the generic priest beside us tells me to kiss her while the crowd of 200+ people, most of whom I don't even know let alone get along with, stare blankly at my ridiculous tuxedo as I attempt to fulfill an entire set of stupid, selfish traditions. Why do women often state their desires for a "big beautiful wedding" instead of mentioning the great relationship they have with their boyfriend and the hopes she has for their future when marriage is mentioned? What the hell? Fuck tradition. I want something memorable. I want something meaningful.
Why does it have to be all about her anyway? What about me? What about the groom? Why does it always have to be about the woman getting her "grand fairytale wedding"? And then she has the nerve to get all shitty when even just one minor thing goes wrong, no matter how insignificant it is. Why is there always some kind of emphasis put on the woman's "dream wedding" but no thought is given for what should also be one of the guy's biggest days of his life?
And what about the sheer amount of money that's put into a two hour ceremony? That money would be better off elsewhere. We could get a house. We could buy furniture to populate said house. But no, eons of selfish women and tradition dictate that we spend that money on a ring that later gets replaced by a blank feature-less halo that adorns her wrinkled fingers five years later. Tradition dictates that we use our hard-earned money that we spent so long saving up on a mere two-hour ceremony. Tradition dictates that a generic priest tells me when to kiss the woman that is about to become my wife. Tradition dictates that I cannot see my wife-to-be in the preceding hours before the wedding or else bad luck will befall our marriage, or some shit like that. Tradition dictates that... ah fuck it. I could go on, but I might have to carve a swastika into my arm just to calm myself down.
If she wants a massive extravagant wedding ceremony, she'll have to pay for all that useless shiny white crap.
Noting my presence
ReplyDeleteInteresting read, Danny.
I will go through what I think of it later.